Thursday, September 13, 2012

Rinse and Repeat

Lately I've been feeling a lot like a robot. Like every motion is calculated out and programmed into me. I wake up, go to work, come home, and then do it all over again the next day. I like to call it the "Rinse/Repeat" lifestyle. Side effects of this lifestyle range from laziness to down right slothfulness. The "Rinse/Repeat" lifestyle can get pretty comfortable, but don't fall into it's trap, most of the time you will be left feeling unsatisfied.

The quickest way out of this way of lifestyle is to do something out of the ordinary. Force yourself to brake your routine. If you find yourself driving to work everyday the same way, switch it up. No one says you have to go the way you go(well unless there's only one way) and if that's the case switch up the way you get there. Do you drive to work everyday? If your commute isn't too far, try riding your bike. Not only will you have switched up your lifestyle for the day, you'll be saving money and seeing the world from a different perspective. You'll be amazed at how much differently you look at things when you aren't viewing them through a sheet of glass.

Before you can brake away from the "Rinse/Repeat" life you have now, you'll have to choose and really want to make a change. For some, that moment is now, your fed up with your unfulfilling life and need to change. For others it's not as urgent(or doesn't seem that way) Maybe you think that it's just the time where life is a little boring, after all you have mouths to feed and a mortgage to pay. Right? Wrong. Many people convince themselves that because they have responsibilities they have to except a routine and stick with it until old age, when they can retire and do whatever they want for the little bit of time that they have left. It's depressing to me that people actually fall for this. They waste years that they could be enjoying and doing what they really want to do.

I'm not talking about making a living from your dream. I know not all of us can have the absolute perfect job, but what I am saying is that you can make your job more enjoyable by changing something(or many things). Whether that be the way you think about it, or the way you actually perform it. And this doesn't just pertain to work, you could get into a "Rinse/Repeat" lifestyle with anything. The important thing is to recognize it and make a change. One small change can(and will) make a huge difference. 

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