Thursday, December 13, 2012

Three reasons you aren't getting anywhere

1. You're not taking chances- If you aren't progressing in life then you aren't taking chances. No one ever got anywhere from playing it safe. The key here is to take calculated chances not blind ones. Know what you are getting yourself into before you jump in and make the best, educated, decision you can.

2. You don't really want it- There comes a time when you have to ask yourself if you really want to progress. To truly progress or succeed in anything you'll have to want it so badly that you become mildly obsessed with whatever it is you are striving for. Can you think of something that you really wanted in the past? Do you remember how that felt? That's how you should view whatever it is that you're striving for now.

3.You are afraid to fail- Everyone fails. It's a huge part of life, and an even bigger part of success. If you are going to succeed, in anything, you can not be afraid to fail. There are countless stories of people who are now successful, that have failed handfuls of times. They all have one major thing in common, they all kept going. They knew what they wanted, and would not stop until they got there. You will fail, it is your job to take that failure, learn from it, and move forward.

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